

The doctors of the European Medical Tourism Orthopedic Medical Service carry out specialist orthopedic visits, infiltrations and medications.




The Orthopedic Examination

The orthopedic examination aims to prevent, diagnose, and treat musculoskeletal conditions involving bones, muscles, tendons, and ligaments. It evaluates the health of the spine, upper limbs (shoulder, elbow, wrist, hand), and lower limbs (hip, knee, ankle, foot). This examination is performed for traumatic injuries as well as routine assessments.


Rizzoli Orthopedic Partnership

Europian Medical Tourism avails itself of the orthopedic consultancy of the Complex Structure of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery and of the Orthopedic and Traumatology Clinic III with a predominantly Oncology focus of the Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute of Bologna. The Institute's specialists are available to our patients for outpatient visits.

Concerning Symptoms to Monitor

The main symptoms of musculoskeletal disorders are pain and functional limitations. Therefore, an orthopedic visit is usually recommended when you have constant or painful problems in one part of the body, such as:

○ Backache

○ Bone pain

○ Tendon and ligament pain

○ Muscle pain (myalgia)

○ Joint pain (arthralgia)

○ Difficulty moving, swelling or bruising that persists for more than a few days

○ Sudden infections

Major Musculoskeletal Conditions

Age, obesity, sedentary lifestyle, physical effort and repeated movements are the main causes of musculoskeletal disorders. The most common pathologies that can be found during an orthopedic examination are:

○ Fractures

○ Arthritis

○ Scoliosis

○ Arthrosis

○ Bursitis

○ Tendinitis

○ Hallux valgus

○ Hammer finger

○ Trigger finger syndrome (tenosynovitis)

○ Tennis elbow (epicondylitis)

○ Plantar fasciitis

○ Congenital clubfoot

○ Carpal tunnel or cubital tunnel syndrome

○ Achilles pathologies, which affect the Achilles tendon

○ Osteoporosis

○ Herniated disc (also called herniated disc or prolapsed disc)

○ Fibromyalgia (formerly known as fibrositis or fibromyalgia syndrome)

○ Abdominal diastasis

○ Osteogenesis imperfecta

○ Injuries and traumas to the meniscus, cruciate ligaments, knee ligaments and rotator cuff, muscle and tendon ruptures (usually found in athletes)

○ Post-traumatic stiffness (for example of the elbow)

○ Shoulder and elbow pathologies

○ Traumatic spinal injuries

○ Morton or Civinini-Morton neuroma

○ Muscular dystrophy

○ Bone tumors